Thursday, December 31, 2015

Riding day 4: Futaleufu-Puyuhuapi

We woke up at Futaleufu Chile. Manu went for a run and Mika cooked us a breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, coffee, juice and jogurt. Mika noticed problems with his breaks/ABS system the day before and he made a call to rentall shop. They instructed him to clean the ABS sensor. It doesn't help and Mika still doesn't have ABS.

We had made a deal the previous day with a rafting company PATAGONIA ELEMENTS to go raft in the Futaleufu river and we signed out of our bungalow and rode our bikes a block over to Patagonia Elemements. There were a bunch of other people at the shop and we decided to head for the river before the others on our bikes. We started for the gravel road, had just some sort of oral information where the starting point was going to be. Of course we didn't find it. Drove passed it and had to return. In the end we find the place and strip down to our swimming pants. Head down to the river and find a bunch of guys already pulling on the wetsuits. So we did the same, got chosen to a boat and get some instructions. Then we jumped in a boat and practiced the commands and co-operating together. It was six of us in the boat + the guide. MARCELLO was our guide on the boat and a decent professional. According to Mika's fancy SUUNTO watch the time in the water was 1h40min. Distance in the water was 8,5km. Max velocity 25kph. THIS STUFF WAS AWESOME. All of us really enjoyed this. The route had about 10 rapids. In between we got to jump to water and get pulled back to boat, jump from the rocks, jump to water and go down the rapid swimming! GRAZY AND AWESOME EXPERIENCE! Afterwards we are served light lunch and we get a ride back to our bikes.

We start for PUYUHUAPI. We ride gravel for very long. This is no problem with these tools we ride. BMW 800 GS ADVENTURE is a tool more than a bike. It takes rough terrain with no problem. It's not meant to be beautiful. 

We arrive to RUTA 7 (CARRETERA AUSTRAL) Most of this is gravel (lots of fun) untill LA JUNTA where we refuel. Gravel starts again after La Junta and we arrive to PUYUHUAPI. It's a small village and we note other bikers also. This is old lumber and sheep farming village. This time we haven't booked accommodation beforehand and just go ask around. We find this modest bungalow type thing. The hostess is very friendly. We settle in and go find a restaurant. None of us speaks spanish but we manage to get food. We know some key words. Like CERVEZA and LOMO. After this we crash. The ride was about 200 km.

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